
New members of the Uganda forum, introduce yourself here — 3rd quarter of 2015

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Hi all,

Newbie on the Uganda forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Uganda if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

P.S : The thread New members of the Uganda forum, introduce yourself here – 2nd quarter of 2015 continues below!

See also

Living in Uganda: the expat guideEXPATS IN JINJAJob seeking.Some Pakistani in Uganda?INTRODUCTION OF EVERYONE

Hey comrade! I'm niyonzima robert a (Ugandan) graduated from Kabale university in Bachelors of Busines Administration option Accounting and I would like to join this forum in as far as learning and sharing ideas is concerned and hopping to get an opportunity out of its initiation.thanks a lot.But currenty living n Kigali on a temporaly job.



I'm Senthuran from Sri Lanka, was working in Kampala for the last 12 months and it was really fascinating. I'm preparing myself to come back to Uganda soon.



Good Afternoon Everyone,
My name is Mark and been back and forward to Uganda many times as we currently have a generator power solutions business. I have now moved here in a semi permanent role. We provide power solutions from generator sales to service and maintenance also providing assessment to ensure your business keeps running when the power goes out. We are currently fitting a lot of automatic change over systems as the power is off and on. Enough of business how is everyone and glad to see if I can help in any way


Hello I am Jonas currently in Uganda. I am a Nurse/ Midwife, obtained my bachelors in 2010 at University of Malawi, Kamuzu College of Nursing in 2010. I am looking for a part time Job here in Kampala. your help will be appreciated


Hi! I have spent some months in Uganda working in Buwenge and then in Jinja. I am missing Uganda too much and will be returning beginning of 2016.


Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Promotion of services on the forum not allowed. Please register your company in our Directory

Hello everyone! A newbie on this forum, in fact, only a few hours fresh! :)

I am a Ugandan living in Uganda and myself being interesting in learning lots of stuff around and beyond me, what a way to engage in different interactions from all over the world!

tharaba baker

Hi there.
I'm Ugandan living in the UAE, Dubai.
Will be traveling back to Uganda very soon.
I fancy meeting up expats living in Uganda.
Wanna get to know how it feels like to be an expat in Uganda.
Expat life is fun here. Is it fun in Uganda as well?
Big thanks indeed.


hi i would to know more about sri linka

education wise tourism

hope to hear from

mariam shanny

hi,am shanny a Nurse looking for a part time job

Dain Daphine

Hello, I am a ugandan living in kampala uganda. I am currently pursuing a bachelor degree in commerce at Makerere University Business School. Iam interested in learning lots of things around and beyond me. Hope to successfully keep in touch


I am Kateregga Kizito Borgio doing outside catering with my mum and also having accommodation for family stays.I also travel around EAC region.


Harimwomugasho Francis working with Newmark Advocates  as a full service Advocate. My Interest is in Company Law, Land Law and Intellectual Property. Cheers.


Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : pls post in the Business partners classifieds in Uganda

Hello my name is Serebe Kironde, just moved to Kampala from NYC.


Hey I've literally just moved here for six months too, arrived yesterday and really want to meet some good people. I'm teaching a diploma on child and adolescent psychiatry here at Butabika hospital Kampala.



Im Jaya, from Malaysia. Will be arriving in Kampala on 20th October. Will be working here for the next 12 months :) Im hoping to find some advice on vaccinations i should take before i arrive, second hand furniture and home appliances as well as nice place to stay. prefer a studio unit or small apartment just for 2 :)


Hy there


Wow thats great of you' i hope to know u either' am a ugandan just thought of reaching home in a day to come by tuesday 'for a short holiday hope to here from u


Ok so ur welcome


Hallo daphine how have you been' however what sort of things are you interested into



This is Abdul Basith from India, i am planning to come to Uganda in January 2016.



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