
Trepidation--settling in as a single, mature woman

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My main concerns about relocating to Cuenca are: a) safety - I've read where posters recommend never leaving your abode empty or you may come home to an empty space (crime rate and vulnerability of single women), b) how easy is it to meet others and socialize as a 60+ single woman on a limited income, and c)  what volunteer opportunities are available?
Many thanks for any advice. I will visit the Cuenca link, as suggested by veteran posters.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation on the coast of EcuadorAccommodation in EcuadorAccommodation in QuitoAccommodation in Cuenca

peripatetic_soul wrote:

My main concerns about relocating to Cuenca are: a) safety...b) how easy is it to meet others and socialize as a 60+ single woman....I will visit the Cuenca link, as suggested by veteran posters.

It's a good choice, Cuenca is.  It's about as safe as it gets in South America.  Compared to other possible choices, it is at the top of places for single women.  I wouldn't recommend Quito for a woman on her own, but Cuenca should be fine, especially as soon as you meet a lot of other Expats and make friends.  Also you'll feel more comfortable after meeting the friendly native cuencanos.

It also has more Expat meetups, dinners, outings and Expat groups than anywhere else in Ecuador, including the much larger metropolis of Quito and that big, humid port city to the west.

The cost of living has been rising due to Cuenca's enormous popularity and publicity as a great place for Gringos.  Check the COL numbers at if you wish.  I suspect you can socialize plenty in Cuenca without breaking the bank.

And by moving to Cuenca, you will greatly increase your chances of meeting the unofficial mayor of Expats in EC's third largest city -- chronicler and photographer extraordinaire Nards Barley.

Take it from a "veteran poster," you're making a smart choice.

cccmedia in Quito


peripatetic_soul wrote:

I've read where posters recommend never leaving your abode empty or you may come home to an empty space.

This is 100 percent true, guaranteed.  If you leave the place empty, no one will break in for the purpose of filling it up. ;)


Dear cccmedia,
Ineffable thanks. I can see your posts are always accurate and objective in disclosing information (unlike IL on a mega PR pitch). I hope our paths shall meet so that I can treat you to a meal. Enjoy your evening. Hoping to explore Cuenca very soon (our summer college semester ends Aug. 3).
Best regards,
Hasta luego,


There is a very long thread (maybe 2) to the tune of "Is Ecuador a good place for a 60 year old single woman to retire". Lots of good insights there . As it sounds like this isn't your first rodeo you won't encounter some of the problems that many had.


The Hearts of Gold Foundation (not sure if it was Cuenca) has some interesting volunteer work, not sure what you're interested in.


Also Nards Barley's thread "The Unofficial  (something or other) of the Greater Cuenca Expat Community and Nard's comes with it :lol:


Thanks for the kind words, P.S.  Please PM/message me when you are in town.

Now, continuing my long-term tag team ventures with the Oracle of Oregon...

Nards just posted on his unofficial Cuenca web page about the Hearts of Gold organization's Fourth of July event, so it's evident they are active in Cuenca.

To navigate to Nards' pages, type Cuenca forum into the searchbox atop this page and click on the icon to the right.

And here is the link to the Good Place For a 60-Year Old Woman thread...

cccmedia in Quito


What would I do without you?


I am looking for single mature women that made the move to EC.  How they feel about the move and any advise/suggestions they might have.  I arrive in Cuenca Nov 7 thru Dec 12.  Maybe meet some women?  I plan on making my final move to Cuenca in 2 yrs when my youngest finishes University  Thank you in advance.  Martha

Barbara Suderman

Hi, Martha,
Be careful what you wish for--there are single , mature women here in Cuenca and as in everywhere--you should be careful in selecting whom you befriend. In any case--if you need a place to stay I am opening a B and B at the end of October--but I am sure you have checked out accomodation options. Feel free to contact me if you have some question which I may be able to help with. I have been here in Cuenca for oh--about 14 months.


Hi Barbara,
My husband and I are coming to Quenca in Nov.  Although we already have places to stay, we would like to know where your B&B is located and what your rates are going to be.  We may be interested in staying there in the future.  My name is Susan.  You can PM me if you don't want to post this info on the website.  I'd be most grateful.

Barbara Suderman

Hi, Susan!
I like to be competitive and can offer a few perks which I believe are of use to newcomers. I offer a pickup and delivery service from Guayaquil which includes a foot spa and a beverage of choice for the trip back here to Cuenca. This is included in the package. Daily rates are available but I offer three day, five day, and weekly packages as well. I am also pet-friendly with services such as boarding and training. I house my own dogs and also have kennels available.
My location is very central yet out of the hub with transportation--taxis and buses easily accessible.
My neighbourhood is quiet and from the front bedroom there is a beautiful view of the mountains and the lights of the city.
The Garden Guest Room is beautiful as it overlooks the garden down below--attractive at any time of the day or night.
Laundry services are also available ---scrumptious breakfasts ala North American or Ecuadorian.
My xtensive network also includes any service you need ---passports, visas, accomodation in Quito, travelling arrangements for sidetrips. You name it--I do it!! Wink!
I am also a profesora en ingles  --a former professor from Canada in Business English --so I have an assistant to help me here in My B and B. She is smoothly bilngual in both English and Spanish ad detail--oriented. She is one of my qualified drivers. Safety and comfort is paramount for me because I remember what it was like for me when I first arrived here fourteen months ago. Please do know I am here to be of service to expat needs both from The States, Canada--being Canadian myself--and wherever else people are coming from.
Best Regards---honest!


Hi Barbara,
Wow! This sounds fantastic!  However, next month we will be on the "Crash Course in Ecuador" tour.  So all of our arrangements have already been made. However, we will need a temporary place to stay upon our return next year.  If you send me your exact location (with address) perhaps we could visit your B&B while we are in Cuenca and have the pleasure of meeting you.  We hope to have pets with us when we return to Ecuador next year. We have small parrots. We don't know how we will be able to bring them as yet, but we cannot leave without them. They're our feathered kids..."fids", and we love them so much!

Barbara Suderman

Hi, Susan!
Yes, I have attended to most everything I would like to have for myself so from that perspective --I believe I offer what I consider to be--the best accomodation!  I know everyone believes theirs is the best--one can only underline this as much as possible without being redudndant.
I am close to Ordonez Lasso and of course--you would be most welcome to come and have a look. Let me know when you will be here in Cuenca and I can send you the address and phone number and directions then. Does that work??
Parrots--you say! Wow!! That will be a first for me should you choose to avail yourself of the hospitality I offer--which--again--is THE BEST!!! Wink--and smiles!


Hi Barbara!
It does sound fantastic but I have all my reservations done.  I get to Cuenca Nov 4th -Dec 11th 2015.
I will how ever be interested in looking at your B & B and meeting you.  I wish I would have known,  I have a little
Maltice named Sasha I will Not be bringing with me this trip.   It is nice to have a place for next trip that I can bring her too.  My plan is to move to Cuenca in 2 years when my youngest finishes University.  Do you provide your services for a fee to expats not staying with you?  I would love to hear from you if you are interested in providing services or to meet you & see your B&B.  Thank you. I will be @ Del Parque Ins & Suits by Parque Calderon.  Hope to hear from you.  Martha Luke


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Barbara Suderman

Hi, again,
I somehow missed your post of October 19th. I am happy you have made your move and that you enjoy Quito along with your mother. How special that must be!
If you decide to come this way at any point --I am here to help you.
So --welcome to Ecuador and I will forward the photos of my accomodation if you so choose!
The Very Best Regards,


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Hi there, just reading some of the comments, too much info tonight, just finished watching hockey LOL. i am coming to Ecuador on the 9th of Dec. and renting a car to view area. I retire soon and looking for a small business near beach to keep me busy, maybe B/B or something similar. I love the water and it is time to take it easy. Anybody out there have some ideas, drop me a line, I have a car booked from the 9th to 18th of December, but a little info would be great. Anybody just start a business or thinking on one. Drop me a line *************

Thanks Ralph

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security

Hi Barbara, coming for a visit on Dec. 9th and renting a car, can you help me with some info? send me an email at ************ if you get a chance. First time on here and need a little help. I want to drive to the coast to view possible places to retire and enjoy. Looking for a small business maybe B/B near beach, getting tired of working LOL. single and like the sun and water.....

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security

ralph1955 wrote:

I retire soon and looking for a small business near beach to keep me busy, maybe B/B or something similar. I love the water and it is time to take it easy. Anybody out there have some ideas, drop me a line.

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, Ralph.

Salinas gets lots of tourist business during high season, December to May more or less.

Seasonal B and B there could be a possibility.

Keep in mind that El Niño weather effects will be in play -- expect hot, wet weather and potential for massive waves at the coast during your mid-December stay.

cccmedia in Quito

Barbara Suderman

Hi,again my fellow Canadian and Albertan!
You cannot post personal contact info on this site as it is a security violation of sorts--understandably.
If you so choose--stay in touch with me and look on Gringo Post for contact info re my Bed and Breakfast here in Cuenca. It will be up today.

Barbara Suderman

I have replied--I don't know if it is being held but I am here in Cuenca--with my own B and B---look for info on Gringo Post.

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