
Hello !need advice before taking a lawyer position in Luxembourg

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My name is Julia I am certified lawyer  from Romania, and I am working at the moment as Legal Adviser in Dubai United Arabs Emirates.
Presently looking for a lawyer's position that provides me a high level of job satisfaction and is also diverse and challenging in order to achieve my professional goals working in a competitive Law Firm in Luxembourg or as second option Liechtenstein.
Being far from the region I am seeking your kind advises in order to prepare for my new challenge. I am interested in Luxembourg from many point of you and the main one is the professional development. As well I like Liechtenstein too.
In Luxembourg is U.E court where I believe I can fulfill my goals.
Shall I subscribe for PhD, I love Contracts so much,  arbitration and court life .
How I can get a good job there. Shall I come in person to contact the recruitment company from here and then in person!!!
Which recruitment companies in Luxembourg are serious and are taking in consideration your CV, with seriosity.
What do you suggest?
I look forward to hearing from you guys with prompt and thoughtful suggestions!
Many thanks,
Iulia Musat

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Julia, buna ziua,

The best advice I can give you is: be skeptic about anything recruiters say. With the illusion of moving to a promising country like Luxembourg, it's easy to fall for their lies (some of which I've posted elsewhere) and incur in a financial loss. Before you quit your job in Dubai, make sure you're formally hired in your new prospective country.

Although it's harder to do, try reaching out to the actual corporations instead of recruitment agencies. Unfortunately, recruiters are allowed to advertise positions that don't exist (a serious and severe regulatory deficiency), causing qualified professionals unnecessary hardship and lack of confidence.

La revedere.


Thank you so much for your suggestions! Indeed you have mentioned before, I will take in consideration. So the best I need contact the law firms.
You live in Luxembourg! how is the life there? It is hard to get a job? Could you found out a list of the law firms there?
Of course I will not leave Dubai without job. I make this survey in order to prepare in the best manner. Is not easy to relocate from other country. I love Dubai and my heart is sorrow that I have to make this step but is for my own good.
I am thinking deeply about France as well, being ''mon amour pour toujours''. What I want a country where I can develop professionally in the manner I want with suitable weather and good standard of living. 
Do you think is to early my survey?
Thank you so much for your suggestions. If you have any further suggestion do not hesitate to contact me.
With Regards,


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