Looking for a english teacher

Dear sirs,
My name is Simona, I am customer relations at Talketika language community. We are looking for native English speakers in Rome to start working from July for minimum 2 years. Huge part of our classes are managing from skype with teachers who are living in Madrid, but in this case we need speakers who enjoy to teach people in English face to face in Rome.
our conditions are: native english speakers, freelance, professionals, experience teaching languages.
in case you would know someone interested please contac or in the other hand, let us know how we could find candidates in Rome.

thank you in advance

so long

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Please do not share Phone numbers on the public forum

Hello Simona

Kindly note that we have a special section dedicated to job adverts, please refer there :

> Language teacher jobs in Rome


Hello, Bonjour, Ni hao
my name is Guy, I am an ESL  teacher in Shanghai, china, i would like to apply for the position

ciao simona , my wife will come after next month , she is a english teacher since 2years ago , how we will call, send us details , thank you