
Top 5 tips to live in Kenya

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When you are going to live abroad, you may have a lot of questions. Hence to facilitate you in this process, we are inviting expats to share their top 5 tips with regards to settling and living in Kenya.

What recommendations would you give soon-to-be expats in Kenya?

How should they prepare efficiently for their expatriation project and settling in?

Please share with us your best advice for a successful expatriation in Kenya!

Thank you in advance :)

See also

Living in Kenya: the expat guideHow to stay in Kenya (I don't plan to work) ?Kenya TripHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Kenyamoving to kenya

1. Keep legal! Don't break the laws of Kenya. We are guests here and should always remember that, treating government requirements and staff with respect and being as good citizens here as we would be at home.

2. Stay away from your local cultural community. Reach out to Kenyans and avoid the temptation to huddle in clusters of like culture. After all, you did not really come here to surround and protect yourself with the folks from back home, did you? If you did, you're probably in the wrong place!

3. Travel within the country. See as much of it as you can--the lakes, mountains, plains, seashores--it's all here! Enjoy the Kenya National Parks systems, but also get around by car or other ground transport so you get to see the landscapes, wildlife and human lifestyles as much as you can.

4. Pick a wild animal species to love and protect. Elephants, lions, hippos, rhinos--they are all under attack from humans. Do whatever you can to support their protection and the retention of natural habitats. To this end, join the East African Wildlife Society, the Kenya Museum Society and other such organizations. Take advantage of their special programs and events. You'll be helping wildlife even as you see more of the country and make more new friends.

5. Read and study Kenya's history--it's fascinating!! Isak Dinesen's (Karen Blixen's) books, Old Africa magazines and many other resources are readily available. Check out the local bookstores (Textbook Centre, Westlands Sundries and BookStop at Yaya Centre) and discover what they have to offer to provide background knowledge to your ex-pat experience of Kenya.

Most of all, relax and enjoy your time in Kenya. You are fortunate to be here; make the most of it!!


1. Understand your contract and make sure you handle the Kenya income tax issues correctly. Income tax is very high in Kenya with not a lot of allowances (35%).
2. Understand the Kenyan community and make sure to pick the safe place to live in.
3. You will always be subjected to theft. So avoid carrying on valuables.
4. Transfer of money from Kenya is expensive so shop around and be careful.
5. Roads are bad and public transportation is difficult. So make sure to have proper transportation arrangements.


Thanks for the tips.  I am considering becoming a Nairobi ex-pat and these posts are very helpful.

My blog East African Chronicles

Articles to help you in your expat project in Kenya

All of Kenya's guide articles