
looking for work in sierra leone


i have been living in s.l. for over a year now, and am looking for work. i know africa well, but just now it is not easy for employment here. have any members got any good contacts i can call.

See also

Living in Sierra Leone: the expat guideSeeking employmentHow to do business ?6 MW solar facility Sierra LeoneBusiness etiquette in Sierra Leone

Hi jonathanmcewan,

May be a longer introduction, and more details about the job you are looking for might surely be of great help.




i am a british/canadian ex-patriate builder/project manager living at number2 river. presently i am working at the place resort at tokeh, but wish to find new employment to enhance my career. i have worked in the mining sector in guinea for five years,building the actual mine processing plant and all other structures needed for a major project. i have also been at the project at tokeh for around two years now, firstly to build the resort, and then returning to make a proper maintainance shedule, to make sure it is kept to a high class standard. i now wish to move on and find a new challenging project to manage, or work hands on, in sierra leone. location is not a problem, and i also have all neccessary medical requirements,including residence permit/visa.if any fellow members have any useful contacts, it  would be most apprecited if they can be passed on to me, many thanks, john.


Hi jonathanmcewan,

Posting an advert in the Construction and Civil engineering jobs in Sierra Leone section, with details of your experience and skills might surely help.



gurvinder singh32

I am an Indian in Saudi Arabia for a long time. I have been doing electrical work in Merpas power plants and substations as well as in buildings.  If there is any job for me please contact


@gurvinder singh32


This is an old thread.

Please note that this is an old thread. I suggest that you create an advert/your CV in the proper section of the website : Job offers in Sierra Leone

All the best


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