
anyone from from almelo?

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Lady M124

Hi...anyone from from almelo here?

See also

Living in the Netherlands: the expat guideTunisians in the NetherlandsFilipino Community in the NetherlandsFilipino Community in NetherlandsAnyone in Halsteren ?

Kumusta Lady M?
Welkom in Twente!

Malygayang Pasko!


Hello SingleBlond

As this is an anglophone version of the forum, you are kindly requested to keep the conversation in English.

Thank you

Kenjee Team


I was living in Almelo some years ago because I was married with a dutch man from this town.
Around 20 /30 kilometers ( in the gemany direction) you can find Enschede who has a big University .
It will be probably more easy for you to find someone from Enschede or Deventer ( 40 km in the Amsterdam direction).

J KG7718

@Lady M124

hi , still in almelo ? I just moved here


@J KG7718

Hello and welcome !

Please note that the OP is no longer active on the forum and this thread is quite old.

I suggest that you open your own thread on the Netherlands forum so that active members can reach out to you.

All the best


Articles to help you in your expat project in the Netherlands

All of the Netherlands's guide articles