
Expat Blog Meeting - friday 17th - Fiest Restaurant - Chester House!

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Sheekoh Meetup this Coming Weekend ( Friday the 17th Oct).

Please Come and meet new friends from all over the world.

Date/Time: Fri 17 Oct 7-9pm

Venue:  Fiesta restaurant

Where: Chester House along Koinange Street in the city Centre.

Because: It's Friday!

The favorite spot is usually the fourth floor, next (or near) to the swimming pool. The scheduled time for the meeting is 19:00 hours.

Who can attend: Everyone is invited. It does not matter if you are a non - member. The meeting is a great way to meet other members from Nairobi and around the globe . There are NO entry charges for the meeting - the only necessary things required are inquisitiveness to learn, share and discuss, and maybe some coins to buy yourself a drink :-) A smile combined with the things required will be a huge advantage:)

All are welcome!

Look for the Sign or ask the restaurant staff if you can't find us.

Note: Please send me a courtesy reply so I can have an idea of how many people to expect. Also, i will send my mobile number to the confirmed members for easier communication.

Thanks and see ya there!!

See also

Living in Nairobi: the expat guideNew to NairobiSouth Africans in NairobiHow to make friends in Nairobiintrested in playing netball
Marcelo B.

Great sounds awesome!  I'll be there...


Thanks Marcelo, looking forward to meet you.


Hello Sheekoh

Would be great if you could take some photos and post it here!

Also we are asking for everybody around the world to make a short video of their Meet up, using your smartphone, you could ask members to present themselves quickly ( name and country of origin) and end with everybody together saying something like '' Having fun on Gathering, come join us next time!''

Many other countries are keen to do their video, hope the Gathering in Nairobi too will follow ;)

Kenjee Team


Thanks Kanjee. i hope they will show up

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