Manual Photography Studio in HCMC

Hi all,

I'm looking for a manual photography lab to process B&W film and manually print photographs.  Does anyone know if this exists in HCMC?  Maybe at one of the universities?  Any info you can offer would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!

Hey, Rachel,
Unfortunately I'm a digital photographer sp I couldn't answer that question but u can ask people in this group, there are might be some people that can help u.

Hi Rachel,

I know a film maker factory. But actually I don't quite understand you demand. If you could tell me clearer, I could help you, maybe!!

Thank you Hannahpham, I will ask there!

tranvan, I'm just looking for a photography studio to develop my own b&w film (this is manual photography) and print my own photos.  So, a studio set up specifically for personal use.  These are getting rare everywhere, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.


hi redrachel

any luck?
am also looking for lab to develop my films
color and bw