
I fancy Greece as a new home


Despite the bad press Greece is getting with it's economy, I am still considering relocating there in the nearer future. I'm off to Rhodes in early October for 8 nights to see what it's like. I have visited Athens but that was in 1993. I do believe there are jobs just a matter of looking and contacts. You need some kind of employment code to avoid being exploited. Greece is a beautiful country with an ideal climate fauna nice people etc. I was planning to go to Lesbos in mid September but airfares were a bit pricey and awkward. Decided on the cheaper option of Rhodes at least you're guarenteed decent weather there till November at least where as the more northerly islands are changeable that time of year. Anyone here live on Rhodes or Lesbos?

See also

Living in Greece: the expat guidereputable property management company in tripolis, Greecefilipina greek coupleMeeting with someone in ApokoronasLooking Friends in Alexandroupoli in Greece.

I live in Thessaloniki, but just wanted to wish you good luck.  I've been to Rhodes on vacation and it is a beautiful island :)  Best of luck!


You may fancy, but be forewarned:
Without any form of context as in what kind of work you might be looking for and what qualifications you might have, its hard for anyone to respond with any helpful info, but generally Greece is still in a depression. Check the job boards and see for yourself. If you are coming to Gr. to work, you will find it tough, real tough and going to a small marketplace that's seasonal is even worse. If you think local air fairs are pricey you might not have the finances to keep you flexible to move around. Do yourself a favor and get informed before taking the leap and finding things grim. If you have a couple of years you can stretch b4 coming, take them. If you have housing arrangements that take that cost out of the picture, you might be in a better spot, but consider also that Gr. has antiquated labor laws that require a lot of work to comply with and you will most likely have to pay into professional retirement funds whether you work or not! Just giving you heads up as a foreigner here who has looked into that stuff....and I live in Athens. Its beautiful, the weather is gr8 and the social life beyond your dreams, but it looks good until u need to live off of it. That's when the it all looses its glamor!


:( I agree with Nixterman.  At the moment, even Greek nationals find it difficult to get work on the islands.  I live on Aegina in the Saronic Gulf and only 40 minutes by dolphin to Athens.  Here it is work for Greeks unless like me you teach English.  Even that is drying up as the recessin means that parents can no longer afford to send their children to English schools.  New regulations mean that teachers now have to have in addition to their University degree, Post Graduate Certificate in Education plus CELTA or TEFL.  Greek wages are very low the national average being 600 Euro per month.  There are many homeless in Athens and Thessoloniki. I would take another few years and plan carefully.  I have been coming here for over 30 years now and a permanent resisdent for five.  Plan very carefully.


Hi I am in Greece/Turkey every summer for about 5 months, so know my way around and speak enough Turkish/Greek to communicate.  Will be back in the Med about March. I lived/married (now single) in Greece and have been living mainly in Turkey for the past 8 years. I am a female Kiwi. If you are interested we can speak on SKYPE. Cheers Sandy


Hi Ceylan, I am a Kiwi living in Greece.   I live here with my husband and at the moment we are living between Athens and Thessaloniki.  We are due to stay here for a couple of years.  We have been here about 9 months so far.  We also lived in Turkey (Izmir) for a few years fairly recently.  If you come to Greece, especially Thessaloniki, it would be nice to meet you.  We are probably going to be based full time in Thessaloniki next year. I am from Christchurch and my husband is from Tokoroa. 

Maybe you could send a message when you arrive.

Safe travelling, Anne


Oops, I meant Sandy.  I called you Ceylin!


Hi Sandy,

Funny that, I have cousins who emigrated to Christchurch, NZ a few year back said it was the best decision they ever made. I'm British, don't move to UK it'll depress, and frustrate the pants of ya. Half of the people of Britain are mad anyway. I visited Corfu, Parga and Paxos back in October, we had 2 solid days of rain where it barely reached 17 degrees, the rest of the week was lovely 22-26 degrees. You'll like Parga, go and visit the place, that's where most of the Greeks go for their hols. I found most restaurants were generous with their food, throwing in a free sweet at the end, thing is I didn't want to offend by saying I'm Diabetic which I am. On my next visit to Greece I must go to Sparta on the mainland.


Hi I am sure you will love living in Greece but Turkey is magic also.I lived in Greece and now I cross over to visit from Turkey every year, Turkey is cheaper. My last visit to Athens was August 2014, but it is just too hot then...I should know better by now! I am a Kiwi but love the Med. Best wishes  :)