Foreigners in Pointe-Noire

I was wondering how many foreigners are living in Pointe-Noire Congo, I mean from where do they come the most? from France, Usa, Arabic?
And in which area do they live?

Any Dutch people living in Pointe-Noire?

Hello Emily07,

There are lot of foreigners in Pointe-Noire.......
Mostly are from France,Italy,Portugal,China,Lebnon,China and India.........apart from there other European American and even African foreigners are also there.........
Dutch are there or not i am not sure but you can check it in Network sections of this Forum and find out............


Hi Anil,
Thank you  :top:
Thats nice, it makes a multi culti city, How do u like it so far to live over there?

Hi Emily07,

Its nice living here in Pointe-Noire..........calm and quite place..........


hi Emily i am going to Point Noire in October. Are you currently living there now? I was looking for some company while i will be there.

hellycroft wrote:

hi Emily i am going to Point Noire in October. Are you currently living there now? I was looking for some company while i will be there.

Hello Helen,

Pointe-Noire is nice and a safe place to live so don't worry........
If you still have any problem or difficulties feel free to contact I will try my best to help you out.............


Hello every1,

Im going to go soon in Pointe Noir for my job and will stay 1 year there. I've read on web situation there is quite safe even if Im a little bit worried about the real risk of Ebola.
Another problems I think I will have to solve soon will be internet and mobile phone, I hope without too much damages :)
Thanx in advance to anyone who will answer.


Dear Vinny1980,

Welcome to Expat-Blog............
You are safe from Ebola till now in PNR because no Ebola case has found till date in Congo.......
Internet and Telephone connection are available and you have to select as per your use...........


Hi everyone my name is Monica and I´m from Mexico. A company offered to my husband job in pointe noire, we havent decided yet about moving in. We´re a family of five my twins of 8 and my little girl of 3 years old. I´ve being reading all the good thing about pointe noire but i concern about the school for my children. It is expensive? there are activitys for kids? I have so many questions about it. Mostly about the security of my family. I appreciate if any one can tell me more about living in pointe noire with kids.

Sorry for my english  :)

Hello Monica,

Welcome to Expat-Blog................
Pointe-Noire is very safe place to stay and work................
Life is easy over here...............
Yes schooling is bit expensive and mostly French schools there is only one Indian School is there which provides the English medium.................but its more costlier then French schools...................
Any further doubt please write to us .................


Hi Monica!!!

I am Mexican too and I am considering move me there with my family... we are living in Brazil, let me know if we can discuss and share comments about same issues and questions,...

Good luck there... and let me know if I can help you some how.



Hello Jorge,

Welcome to Expat-Blog..............


Hi Jorge!!
Of course we need to share comments, my biggest concern its about de schools in pointe noire. I've been looking on the web and I saw a few schools like Lycee charle magne, Eximus international school, sacred heart international school and Les pousins. I already ask information in the Lycee and there is a waiting list. If you know about another schools please let me know. By the way Im from Veracruz  :)

My husband just got offered a job in Pointe Noire, and neither of us have even been out of country before. We have 3 young children ages 6,5 and 2. I've read that it's a relatively safe area, just wondering if there are others in the area that might like to start a friendship so we have people we know when we make the big move.

Yes mam, there is a Lady by the name Alix  ( a very knowlegdeable, down to earth with her feet firm on the ground. Just tell her that Sylvie and Attie refred you to her.


hello my friend my name is Aristide we can speak every teme if you want

I spend 9 years in south Africa, as a Congolese i will like to join foreign team in Congo.

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to add some information about Italian school in pointe noire, this is a very nice school and from next year (2016-2017) they will provide lessons in English and Italian language, actually it will be bilingual school ( of course with Weekly French lessons too) I recommend you to contact the school if you are interested.


Hi guys it is a safe life in Pointe Noire? I have one contract there but I don't know more details about life in Congo. Thanks!

hello Constantin!
I have been living in Pointe-Noire for about one year now. It's a very cool and nice place. People think strangers are very rich, so you should negociate before buying something. Be close to your consulate. I'm sure you will be pleased here.

Hello guys I'm Henry from Sweden and I just got a job posting in lubumbashi, looking to make friends in advance and also about the security situation over there

Anyone stationed in Pointe Noire let me know

@ Nick Voerman,

This topic is unfortunately quite old and inactive.

I would invite you to create a new thread in the Pointe-Noire forum and to introduce yourself there. It might raise your chances to make new acquaintances very soon.

Thank you,

Priscilla Team  :cheers:

I will be living in Pointe Noire for a month (I arrive this Sunday). Any good tips on great restaurants and things to do?

I am in the process of considering moving to Congo. My husband in a national but he's never lived like an expat and is really concerned. Would anybody be will to talk to me through WhatsApp ?


I plan to work in Congo. Are there any Filipinos working there right now ?

I want a job there  I have a Visa until now and working permit

So I want a job I am from Rwanda

Thank you

@Europebystorm yes

Its very good.

I wish to work with you My friend

My WhatsApp is +***

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@aryavrat thank you so much for your information.

Is this Pointe Norie city safe to travel?