
Question: About Starting a so-called business in Jamaica

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QUESTION: I am thinking about starting a so-called business in Jamaica.... Can anyone give me a Check List of things that would be required in order to complete such a task.... And is there some king of "Small Business Administration" there that helps with this king of thing, like here in the US....  THANK YOU for any INFO....

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Hello Qadar! Welcome to the forum. What type of business do you want to start? That info may help to get you some more specific answers. There is a small business association, here is their website address: You may also want to check with the Office of the Registrar of Companies, to see what paperwork is necessary for the type of business that you want to start. Be advised, getting information online from any agencies in Jamaica is hit or miss. So is the phone. Your best bet would be forums like this or going in person. Good Luck!


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I was just in Jamaica about 10 days ago... From what I can tell (for i didn't speak formally to anybody); was that all I needed to do was lease some land, and arrange to be in the country/land longer than 180 days.....
Any Advice