
Combien de fois peut-on renouveler un Visa Tourisme

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Combien de fois peut-on renouveler un Visa Tourisme ?
Est-il possible de rester au Costa Rica, ressortir tous les 90 jours (Panama ou Guatemala) et revenir ?

Bonne Journée

See also

How To Become A Resident In Costa RicaVisa Run to Peñas Blanca Nicaragua from Playas del Coco Costa RicaVisas for Costa RicaHOW (step-by-step instructions) to apply for a pensionado visaDocument Legalization for Reunification Visa Application

Post in English please so the we can understand your post.


Sure! of course! ;-) Hello!
How much time are we authorized to renew the tourism VISA ? only one time, more ?
Can we do that:  Says during 5 years, every 90 days go out (Panama or Guatemala)  and come back in the same day .... ? Something like that ...

Thanks !


You must leave every 90 days or whatever time is stamped in your passport, but it could be given for only 10 days. It is increasing more difficult to do this, so you may get away with it for a few times.  Panama now requires a return ticket to your home country and wants to see $500.


Thank you for your answer. is there another solution I need at least one year minimum to complete my reportage.
regards, Den.


Depending on what you are actually 'doing' and in which country you are from, you may be able to apply for a special visa from the Cost Rican Embassy and this may be issued for up to a year.These are offered for students attending school here, artists, interns etc.   Additional information from Costa Rican Immigration

Otherwise it is MUCH cheaper and easier to go to renew your tourist visa.

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