Single parent and tuition


I am currently a math teacher and have a pre-screening call this week! I am very excited about the opportunity as I have thought about making this transition for quite some time now. I have two daughters and started researching costs of schools, if the employer would include an additional package for tuition in the income, and/or if the school I am hired will allow my daughters to attend for a partial tuition?

Any advice or suggestions?

About me- I have three years of experience teaching and an Ed.S. I know that tutoring and directing programs probably aren't consider when salaries are discussed, but I've been in education for over five years. I would bring my own car and wouldn't have any major bills besides student loans and my daughters' tuition to take care of.


Hi Joddie,

Congratulation for the new venture.

your employer is a private school or Through ADEC?

if it is a private school then you can negotiate with them.

let me know if you need any more information


Thank you Vinccenzo! It is through Teach Away so I believe pubic school.

You are most welcome, just go ahead and negotiate with them, keep me updated :)
