
A safe place in the world

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In search of a safe place to raise children and garden peacefully!

See also

Living in Reunion Island: the expat guideFrom Italy to Reunion IslandNew in Reunion - keen to meet English speakersMoving to la RéunionMoving to La Réunion : any info about bringing pets and shipment

Hi Agritecture2013,

Welcome to :)

A few more words about yourself as an introduce would be much appreciated here :) ?

Thank you

Maximilien Team


Well if you speak French you could do far worse than Reunion!


Ah- There is a little prob. We don't speak French YET, but we are learning. This is the main reason for joining up here! I am hoping to connect with some people who speak English/American until spoken French communication is possible! I don't want to embarrass myself trying to get by on hand  gestures and descriptive noises :p


My gardening, will however speak for itself, as labo(u)r is the same in any language, and people of all nationalities (some Americans included) LOVE GOOD FOOD. My wife is a seamstress, and creates all sorts of beautiful objects that COULD be sold with the use of hand gestures until she is fluent.

We are from the States, but I have dual citizenship due to my parents being from England (came to California in the late 70's "on holiday" and STAYED!)
I think this allows me to work legally in Reunion. I can in the EU.

BTW- I had never heard of  the island until my cousin recommended we go there! A good friend of hers has family there and they LOVE it! So does my cous, who has been a few times, I think.
Reunion looks wonderful to ME, as the landscape is remarkably similar to Hawaii!
We lived on the Big Island, HI, for the last three years. We are now in California and missing Hawaii EVERY DAY. :(
I am trying not to dwell on it, or bring it up too much, as it is such a disturbing subject...BUT.
Anywhere in the Pacific Ocean, and where we are NOW! on the West Coast of the US is UNSAFE due to the Fukushima situation. Since all the bigshot scientists don't have a solution to that problem, I can't feel too bad about not having one either. I WILL, however try to place my family in the safest possible place for the next decade or so while our kids grow up. Sorry if that's a downer, but there it is.
I wish the best to all, and any help would be greatly appreciated.


You have a British passport, but what about your wife (and children if you already have children)?

You will need fairly fluent French to work and get by here - there's not much that caters for non-French speakers here.