
pet/dog breed restrictions in Iceland?

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Hey all,

I'm Chris, a new member and potential expat :)

I hear it's a lengthy and difficult process to import pets, but are there any restrictions on dog breeds? I know many countries have bans on 'bully' breeds like pit bulls, rottweilers, etc. and it would be a real shame if I couldn't bring my puppy with me.

FYI, I have a Doberman Pinscher.

See also

Living in Iceland: the expat guidePets in IcelandImporting pets in IcelandMoving pets to iceland? Advice please?Did your your dog cope?

Hello ufokirby.

Welcome to :)


Karen :)


did some rummaging and all I can find seems to indicate you can if it's not an un-neutered male. They list here: … ndasaedis/

Óheimilt er að flytja inn sæði hunda af eftirfarandi tegundum og blendinga af þeim:

Pit Bull Terrier/Staffordshire
Bull Terrier
Fila Brasileiro
Toso Inu
Dogo Argentino
Aðrar hundategundir skv. ákvörðun Sjávarútvegs- og landbúnaðarráðherra að fenginni umsögn Matvælastofnunar
Blendinga af úlfum og hundum

This basically says it's banned to bring in the listed dogs that are "semen dogs"

I can't find anywhere else that it's banned to bring these dogs in if they are female or neutered.

as for the process, it is long. Here it is: … -og-katta/

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