Places to visit in Quito


For the ones living in Quito, what would you suggest to discover the region?

When you have friends or family visiting you, where do you go with them? What are the must-see places in Quito, the tourist sites?

How to visit the region in an original way? Any unusual or unknown place to recommend?

What would you suggest for a couple of days of for a week of holidays in Quito?

Thank you in advance for participating ;)


I think 2 days in Quito is plenty. I lived there for 5 months. I looked forward to the weekends when I could travel outside the city. Many travel books have priority lists for travelers depending on the amount of time a person has e.g. if you have one day do this, 2 days do this etc. I do recommend the Casa de la Cultura, the historic district and Pululahua. Pululahua can be combined with Mitad del Mundo. If you don't like the outdoors skip Pululahua. If you don't like museums skip Casa de la Cultura.

@ joeyeggs -> Hello :) Thank you for your contribution ;)