
Need help from an Engineer

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hi all
i work in Engineering Magazine of Alkharj
We are on the verge of the first issue
And we need engineering article in any field of Engineer
can any one help me :(:(:(:(:(

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Hi Cloud,

I once worked for a resort newspaper and we subscribed to a service which provided us with interesting articles, crossword puzzles, trivia, etc., and we'd pick what we wanted and use it as 'filler,' when necessary.

Maybe, if this magazine of yours will be on-going, this is something you might want to look into!

(Sorry, it's the best I could do--I have worked professionally as a writer but not in the engineering field!)


Thank you very much for give it some of your time and for the reply :)


I am also a former writer and journalist.  I don't do engineering work (except some stories I wrote on custom yacht building).

I'd suggest maybe getting someone to write an overview of the engineering schools in KSA, it's a good general interest type of thing.

You also don't have to make every article an engineering one; even pieces on different spots to visit in KSA or the ME would be good "filler".  Engineers take vacations, too.

There are lots of general interest ideas that you could create as one-offs or even use as scheduled or sporadic series.

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