
Blog of the month - October 2012: Discover expat life in Ghana

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In October we invite you to discover Ghana with Chris, Aussie expat living with her family near Kumasi: … -2012.html



See also

Living in Ghana: the expat guideMoving to Ghana and building a container homeCameroonian looking to relocate to GhanaAnyone interested in stand up comedy and or Spoken Word poetry?New members of the Ghana forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025

We have been given an opportunity to move to Ghana with my husbands company.  We have just a few days to decide.  We have children aged 8 and 11 and I think it would be a reality check for all of us as well as a great opportunity in our lives.  We live in Cape Town and love all it has to offer.

The job is in Accra.  What is the house, expat community and especially the schooling like?  I read on a blog that you can pay up to 20 000 USD per child per year for schooling.

We are leaning more towards the move than not at this stage.  It's just so difficult deciding when you have children.



You can get very good housing in Accra and there are a variety of schools but as you have heard, they are expensive. I presume your husband will get a housing and an education package for your children, but it could prove a problem if they don't when you have to think of their education.
Ghana is different from South Africa but I am sure you will make the best of your move if you decide to come.


Thanks, is it compound / community living or stand alone housing?  I also read that housing is approx 5000 USD a month and sometimes you need to pay 2 years in advance (ouch). There is no schooling package mentioned so we will definately enquire about that now.  Thanks a mil.


There are a variety of housing types in Accra so you can choose the type that suits you. The rent really depends on where you want to live. For example $3000 may only get you a small apartment in Cantonments but if you move out of central Accra the same amount would get you a 5 bedroomed house. Of course you then have to consider the time taken to get to the office or school.
There are some reasonable schools that don't charge huge fees but you would have to find people who have their children there to assess their quality.
With regard to rent you usually have to pay at least one year rent up front.


Thank you


Hello again
We have so many questions!!  If it was just us we'd jump at it but we have to consider our children and how they would cope.  What is there to do in Ghana or nearby?   Are there cinema's, nice beaches, sports clubs, interesting places to go on weekends?  I have tried looking but I can't find much.  We are outdoor people and enjoy camping, fishing and visiting new places.

We have pets - a cat and a dog.  Is it advisable to bring them?  Judging by the cost of everything else I would think that the cost of vet's is through the roof as well as pet food.

We also see that you can't drink the tap water and that your own source of water and electricity is advised.  Is bottled water then very expensive?

Is there anything else I need to know :)


There are lots of things to do in Accra or close by so that is not a problem. With regards to electricity and water there is the need for a back-up generator and a tank to store water as the supply is intermittent. Some houses already have these.
Drinking water is not expensive per bottle but of course if you are having to buy it for the family then it can be, A litre bottle is about GhC 1. We bought a water filter that attaches to one of our taps and that means we don't have to buy it.
With regards to your pets I know people have bought dogs but not sure about cats but as you say vets and food are not cheap.
Good luck with your decision.


Thank you again.   Enjoy your Sunday

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