Friday night Sept 7th, 2012 at Villa Massimo

On Friday night 7 September,
in the absolutely beautiful scenery of Villa Massimo park and gardens, in Viale/lLargo di Villa Massimo in Rome, Accademia Tedesca di Roma, which is a German cultural centre in Rome,
will host the annual electric music festival, with German artists.

Entry is free :P - but registration is necessary.
Entry is from 19.45hrs.

A superb chance also to visit the villa.
Going to attend. Interested? Let me know.

To register just send an email from September 3rd till 4th, 12:00 h, at , stating your first and last name.


Hello Gabc.

You should post an advert in the Activities section in the Rome classifieds. It can help. ;)

Thank you,

It is so funny because I followed your advice, but this website staff (your colleague Victoria) did not accept my post for putting it up!
please review and feedback:
Sorry, your ad has not been validated
Dear Gabx,
If you would like to advertise your services or products on, we suggest you to register in our dedicated section, the Business Directory or to have a look at our advertising solutions.
Best regards,

Hi Gabc,

we just had an internal meeting, your ad should have been accepted.

Could you please post again ?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

All the best,


thank you so much for taking care of that :)
will post other things later, but not that now bcause time for signing up has passed at date

oh no! It's too late to book! I wish I could visit Villa Massimo