Living in Dubai and traveling daily to Al Ain

Hi,  I am new to this forum so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

I have been offered a job as a Physio in al ain, HAAD permitting (!)

My partner has been offered a job in Dubai. 

It was suggested to us that some people live in Dubai but have a driver who drives them daily to and from Al Ain for work. 

Has anyone heard of this?  Is it normal and also it sound expensive, any ideas of cost?  I can drive but having done a long commute for the past 5 years in the UK am looking at all other options.

Thank you in advance,

Hi ..

Hmmmm it is not easy at all .. I commute since one and half year between Dubai and Abu Dhabi .. I live in abu dhabi and work in dubai commute every day but the good thing is timing very flexibale go and leave work anytime I want plus i have option to work from home which i do not do it at all ...

Commute every day not easy and it is costly for health, time and money .... health and time can;t be estimated but for car ... u need to drive min 350 km every day which means not leass than 10,000 km per month = 120,000 km per if u have car mean it will be fully depreciated in one year or one and half year .... since averg per year must be 25,000 ... maintinance, tyries, oil ...etc depend on wht car u drive but it will cost u min 5,000 every six month, ...petrol u need almost 1,200 per month ....

it is costly ....... not easy .... very risky..ask me

hi Kirtsy,

congratds for the job answer your question, it takes 45 mins from Dubai to al Ain ( city boundry to city booundry)

the road is well baved and you can easily drive at 120 KM per hour.

it depends on where you live in Dubai it could take ou 10-25 mins to reach Dubai - Ain road ( this is aded to the first duration mentioned above),

al Ain is a small city but roads sucks as you have lots of round abouts so you need min 15 mins inside to reach anywhere

next question is whom would take you there, !

there are many ppl that sare rides to al ain , I wouldnt recommend you drive your self because it will be bit exhusting to drive 90 mins after long working days and visa versa.

you can work out a deal to join a ride to al ain for couple thousand dirhams or so. you may find these offers online.

good luck

Kirsty83 wrote:

Hi,  I am new to this forum so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

I have been offered a job as a Physio in al ain, HAAD permitting (!)

My partner has been offered a job in Dubai. 

It was suggested to us that some people live in Dubai but have a driver who drives them daily to and from Al Ain for work. 

Has anyone heard of this?  Is it normal and also it sound expensive, any ideas of cost?  I can drive but having done a long commute for the past 5 years in the UK am looking at all other options.

Thank you in advance,

Hello Kristy83.

Welcome to!

You can also try to post an advert in the Community section (Carpooling) in the Al Ain classifieds. It shall help. :)

Thank you,

adham wrote: answer your question, it takes 45 mins from Dubai to al Ain ( city boundry to city booundry)

the road is well baved and you can easily drive at 120 KM per hour.

Utter rubbish.

It's 140km from Dubai to Al Ain and a journey time of 45 mins would make your average speed 187km/hr. Even the idiots in their sports cars would never do this speed for the whole journey.

I am currently doing the Abu Dhabi to Al Ain commute three times a week and the journey (also 140km) takes me around 1 hour 50 mins, that's staying within the 120km/hr and 100km/hr speed limits.

Every day I see accidents on this stretch of road (which is a better and safer road than the Dubai road) and would NEVER consider doing the run on a regular basis.

Hi Kirsty,
I have been travelling daily from Dubai to Al Ain & back. Its a 1 hr 15 mins drive (one way). Reaches Al Ain at 8:30am & returns at 4:30am. Can join me if interested. Please contact us on xxx
With Kind Regards

Moderated by Bhavna 8 years ago
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Hi! I get u online/ i'm in france for vacation, how much to car pool with u on jan 05 anytime in the morning from dubai to my home in al ain/ I will arrive at 5am to dubai airport / I can meet u anywhere close to the subway/ Mohammed
Sent from my iPhone

Well if your working hours match in his duty time and if you do must needs to be together all the times and love each others that of course you might be patience to take the risk and the consequences in matter of travelling on daily times.

I suggest if you could rent a place in Al Ain as well to make your partner also do the same to travel to you to make alternatives shifts so that each one carry some to make it fair enough at least for both of you.

Wishing you do have a great time in UAE with all the best.

Hi Kirsty,
out of interest, did you commute and if so how long for?
The reason I am asking is because due to my husbands work I have recently moved to Al Ain but I am also considering the daily drive to Dubai.
I would appreciate any insights from you all.
Many thanks!

Hi Zuhairah,

Just to inform you that Kirsty has not posted since 2012, it will be better if you create a new topic on the Al Ain forum, members who have done the the move will be able to guide you.

All the best

Hi Bhavna,

thank you very much and will do!

I am in the same situation as yours in reverse order (my wife is a dentist and employed here in al ain).
I am working in dubai as IT manager for a logistics co. I am planning to commute daily via a carpool service. Cost would be tentatively AED 1300 to 1500.

Are you still commuting to Dubai

@ Angela Mutero :

To whom are you talking to please?


Priscilla Team



I thought anyone could respond. All I need is carpooling

I am commuting daily from Al Ain to Dubai Production city.

We can do it on expense sharing basis.

Hi, anyone travelling to Dubai from al ain on a daily?

@hi.sonia yes , I am travelling from Al Ain to Dubai every day.

for more info , U can send me a message in my inbox

@sunilbhojane I am Dr. Pratik Narsikar from Maharashtra as well, a Specialist oral surgeonbeen offered a position in hospital and my wife is in IT, working in Dubai.

Are you still commuting, we can carpool together or travel In 1 car.

My email I'd is ***********.let me know if you r interested

Moderated by Yoginee last year
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@Dr. Pratik Narsikar I do it everyday..From Al AIn to Dubai..Let me know if it suits u

Hi, I'm looking for a car pool for my wife from Al Ain to Dubai.  We live in Al Ain and my wife works in Dubai and we are looking for a car pool from Monday to Friday. Please contact me on the email below. We would only consider females


Moderated by Cheryl 5 months ago
Reason : Advertising
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Hello ahmadjaradat2014,

You should post an advert in the United Arab Emirates classified ads where you will find a category for carpooling.


Cheryl team