Family and friends

We are a young family from the UK now living in Onsala. My wife is at home and in need of adult interaction while the kids attend school. The kids also need to make some friends who can play on the weekend or during holidays. Our arrival means we have no network and we miss the socialising element we had back home.

We are easy going people with no preconception. We simply want to meet people and make new friends.

Any tips or like minded people, please get in touch.


You should join a fantastic online community, Mums in Sweden (mumsinsweden.som) and your wife should drop in once to our English speaking playgroup in Opalkyrkan even without kids (There are lots of lovely British moms and dads there)! (

I must go now, but I'm regularly available on this forum.

Take care,

Thanks for prompt reply, ill get her to look this up.


You are also welcome to join "Parents of Gothenburg" - it is a social community (newly established by me). The goal is to be a forum for English speaking parents in the Gothenburg area.

What we plan to get up to:
Picnics, excursions, bbq, etc

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