Looking for a house: Etiler / Bagdat caddesi

i am looking for a MODERN 2 bedroom appartment, around etiler (nispetiye street) or Badgdat street..
preferabbly furnished..

let me know if you can help... my budget is around 2,500$

Also, any recommendation on the Eitler Vs. Bagdat Caddesi??

thanks a lot

Hi mazenkn,

Welcome to Expat.com!

I have moved your topic on the English speaking Turkey forum.

You can submit an advert in the Housing in Turkey section - house for rent.

I wish you good luck,

Welcome to İstanbul ,

thanks to give me your e-mail adress and I will try to do a pre selection for you . İf I remember , you work in unilever ?

(please avoid posting phone no. for security reason)

From Dominique Atay