
Bike shops near Kozyatagi

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So I have a bike that's pretty decent but have to get the tires/rims looked at. It literally can't be ridden anywhere so have to go somewhere near to home. Does anyone know of any bike places near Kozyatagi, Goztepe or Bostanci regions? Or anyone in these regions have a bike pump?
Cheers for any help

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There are some bike shops and aslo giving repair and maintenance service around Alt-Bostancı, close to Bağdat Caddesi, I also know some around Suadiye but the shops there are not centrally located, actually in small streets in neighbourhoods, so could be hard to find for you. I suggest you to go without your bike to Alt-Bostancı first, Alt Bostancı is the seaside area, and around the beginning of  Bağdat caddesi, left side especially(sea part of this street)where the pubs are starting,  there are 2-3 bike shops and search for the best and trustable one! Then after a good maintenance, you can enjoy riding  your bike on seaway :)


Dudette I'll take a look at it when I see you next time. If I can't do something about it then I know 3 or 4 shops in Kadikoy where I bought some stuff to fix my friend's bike that I broke hahaha. I also have a hand pump that I can lend, so just remind me to bring it.



Thanks heaps Sinna for the info! You too Mo :)


There is one repairshop in Kiziltoprak behind the mosque and one selling nearby the shell station (ps mosque and shell are sidebyside)

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