
My introduction!

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Hi. I am writing a book about Saffers (South Africans) who have emigrated (or are in the process of emigrating) to New Zealand.

We have lived here for 3 and a half years now, so I feel I'm ready to focus on the book as have by now 'travelled the emotional journey' ...through all its stages !

I'm a wife, mum and grandmother 'shrapnelled' from some of my precious family by this profound life -altering event ! Also a freelance writer and a psychologist -  my book is focused on emotions, psychological factors such as defence mechanisms, the stages of bereavement and acceptance etc., as well as incorporating and weaving others' epiphanies, emotions, feelings, responses, reflections, regrets, wishes, celebrations, logistics, advice to other wannabe migrants from SA2NZ, and good or bad luck stories, quotes, poems etc. into the fabric of my book and words.


If the book sells a % will go to a trust I want to start called SNS (Saffers Needing support)for Saffers in NZ who need support whilst trying to find work etc. Would ultimately like to open a centre for support and where Saffers in NZ can be employed by the Trust in a project whether they are baking and selling their ware and making arts and crafts,or waitering in the coffee shop that they have employment and can then get their work visas. !

Look forward to your response... Saffers* on the way or in NZ please. !   (*Will also include expats in NZ from Zim and Namibia etc...)
Namaste Eve ....

blog: Eve's Apples

See also

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Hi EviSA2NZ,

Thank you for this intro.

Just to remind you that free advertisement is not allowed on the forum.

Thank you.
All the best,


hello - I am not advertising per se am I ? I am asking folk to contribute to my book ? In other words I am asking fellow SA to NZ expats to share their roller coaster journey with me as part of their catharsis and if any aspirant poets want their work published in my book which is still a long way off :) I sincerely apologise as I did not see this as inappropriate but as in rallying up support for a collective project. Kind regards Eve

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