Buying property in Cape Verde
can a foreigner buy property in Cape Verde ?
If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Cape Verde ?
Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ?
Thanks in advance for participating!
BOM dia,
Pas de problème particulier si ce n'est de vérifier que le bien convoité à bien été enregistré au "registro prédial" à Praia.
Les formalités sont les mêmes qu'en Europe.
Bonne journée.
Hi malandron!
Thanks for your help!
As this is the anglophone forum could you please post in English please?
Bom Dia,
I do speak some Portugese. Very little, from an organization I work with that does work in Brasil. I've been to Brasil 3 times so far. I will be retiring in 3 years, and am gathering information on Cape Verde as a possible living base. I'd like to invest in both Brasil and Cape Verde in terms of real estate. who can help me? Also, when is the best time of year economically, to travel to CV? i'm finding prices very expensive to get there. This wouldn't be feasible traveling back and forth from the USA.
Hi mugisa and welcome to!
Could you please start a new thread on the forum so as not to be off topic on this one?
Hey beautiful,
Haven't heard from you in a while. Hey, do me a favor. The founder of this site lives in Mauritius. I've been emailing him with no success. I need to contact him badly. My email on the world wide web is***
please give it to him, and you may contact me there as well whenever you like.
please contact me again in private ...
My email on the world wide web is ***
Please write me there, and we can discuss the topics I wrote to you about earlier. It was rather lengthy, and I won't do it here since you said to write you privately. Jusdt contact me at the above address, Thanks.
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Hello wonderful people here, it is good to ask, that is the major reason why we all are here at Expat-blog.
My name is Alfred Robinson, I live in Praia Cape Verde Island.
To know more about me, read my profile here on Expat-blog.
I have helped few people from Africa, America and UK migrate here in CV and it has been so wonderful experience for me and them.
I am very young in age but has helped allot of older people in migration and buying of homes and property in CV so helping any one of you might just ve an additional life experience to my profile. I believe that some day the owner or Expat-blog will crown me the as Expart-blog Young Ambassador Cape Verde.
Buying property in Cape Verde Island is as easy as ABC. Believe me i have been there in those offices, they are so friendly. All they require is your legality.
Should incase any of you still need help on migration, buying nor investment in Cape Verde, please contact me here on my Expat-blog profile.
Note... Cape Verdean governemnent are the lest currupt government in Africa and in world ranking.
To those that do not believe in God, they say Everything in Cape Verde works like Magic, believe me, everythibg is easy here.
My regards....
Alfred Robinson.
Hi Alfred
lm interested in moving to cape verde please could you inbox me
Reason : Contact details should not be posted on the forum but rather exchanged through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct
Hello Pam. You referred to a message from 2013. Alfred in no longer active on the forum.
If there is some particular information that you need, just say what it is here on the forum and you will receive a reply here on the forum from the active participants. You need information on buying property in Cape Verde? That is the discussion topic in which you posted. If it is not the case, there are many other threads in the forum where you may find the information you need.
By the way, for your own online protection, you should never post your private contact details on the forum. If you wish to speak to anyone privately, just send them a private message using the messaging feature.
I have one and it really wasn’t that difficult
There is a guy called Jason who runs a visit Cape Verde page on Facebook is quite helpful
Pm me if necessary my neighbor has a few at this stage so if I don’t know she might
Hi Kazzer,
For whom is your message intended??? There is no context to your message.
For anyone looking for information about about moving to, living or working in Cape Verde, there is an Irishman named James McGarry who has lived here for years and actually provides a 30-page eGuide with all the information new residents will need.
Let me know via private message and I will send you the contact details for James.
Kazzer wrote:I have one and it really wasn’t that difficult
There is a guy called Jason who runs a visit Cape Verde page on Facebook is quite helpful
Pm me if necessary my neighbor has a few at this stage so if I don’t know she might
Hi CV Angelo,I'm very new to this site and hope to travel to Cape Verde in Jan 2023. Would put me in touch with James McGarry as I'd be interested in chatting to him or getting his eGuide.Thanks in advance- @ailishod
I´m in the process of buying an apartement from Cabo Verde. Start was very straightforward, Real estate agent in Sal has apartement for sale. We make än offer and sellers accepted it. We hire lawyer from Sal to do all the paperwork. Paperwork from our side are ready and the sellers häs signed the draft deed of sale. We have paid total sum to lawyers customer account to wait for final deed of sale.
Now two months has passed for waiting the sellers (englishmen) to get agreement with their bank (Cabo Verdean bank) to get garantie of their loan off the propety. And now the bank wants from the sellers some evidence that they are really selling the apartement. What does this mean?
The process begin in July and should be ready in mid september. And now we can only wait....
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