Buying property in Denmark


can a foreigner buy property in Denmark?

If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Denmark?

Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ?

Thanks in advance for participating!


It's definitely possible for a foreigner to buy property.  My fiance owns a place in Copenhagen, and he's English.  I don't personally know the details of how he found the place, though.

Here are the specifics, as written by my fiance:

"Who is British, so I am finacee.

You are free to buy property in Denmark.  It is straight forward after a fashion.  It is actually a good place to buy as there will be plenty of documentation up front, which will fully detail everything you have to know about the place. 

The documentation will be in Danish, so clearly make sure you have someone savvy read through it.  If you are serious and wish to go further, then think with the heart and weigh it up - a stupid buy will be the same in USA or Denmark.

Finding a place to buy is simplicity itself;
This does require knowing the difference between an andels and ejerlejlehed.  If you are buying a home, this is a detail. 

This is all rather superficial, but feel free to contact my Missus with any questions.  She might pass them on."

Thanks for your help ThisGirlSaysOw :)


There are some problems in buying a property in Denmark because there is a rule in Denmark for foreigners that they are not allowed to buy property in Denmark unless they have lived here previously at least for 5 years or you have a permanent stay character in Denmark. So you might not be allowed to buy any property in Denmark unless your stay is not permanent in Denmark.