
Curitiba meeting of expats


I was just wondering if there is any meeting or get together of English speaking expats in Curitiba. If not maybe we should suggest somewhere?  Is it any good? places or suggestions we could meet?
Kind regards

See also

Living in Curitiba: the expat guideChurch or Bible Study?Meeting of foreigners in CuritibaAny English speakers in curitiba want to hangout?Moving to Curitiba

hi. i'm just a new member of expatblog. I'm from germany and will be here for 2 years. There are many places to come together. Did you find any and of all did somebody share your interests. I would


Hello Rudy
I have not yet found anybody that shares my interests yet. Maybe we could get together somewhere in Curitiba, do you have any suggestions of where to go?


Hi Darren
Have you tried already the Aussie Bar? If not, lets try. The bar is close to the place where I live.I live in Bigorillho (Julia da Costa).. next week I have one week of. I will go to Recife and will get some sun.



I´m developing a new kind of life insurance for people from abroad and, I would like to know if you can help me.

I need one hour with you to make some questions, to know your needs and to introduce you to our new product.

We want you to tell us if our life insurance services are good for you.

Please, let me know if you could help me.

I´m Roberta, from Brazil.


Oh, I´m not seling nothing okay?
It´s just a survey!!!


Hey, if anyone is still planning on meeting up let me know.

David Sims


Hello, I'd like to meet up with expats as well. How about we organize something for some evening this week-end or next week sometime?


Hi everybody,

Have been here for about 2 years already and am from Germany. Before coming to Brazil I lived in NZ and UK. I am looking for an expat group in Curitiba and see from your entries you have been talking about meeting rather regularly. Is that still happening? If yes, let me know!



Hi Iz,

I would be happy to meet up with you, and we can see who else shows up. Would some evening this week work for you?



Hi Isabella,

thanks for writing! Unfortunately, this week's a bit tight and I have a business trip coming up, but I would love to meet up. On the 14/03 I will be back in town. End of week evenings are usually good for me.
Do you have any preference with regards to place/part of town, let me know!

talk soon,

AK Southey

Im in!! Just let me know where and when.


Hello everyone! I'm currently on my way back to Curitiba. I lived there for about a year and a half and coming back for another 6 months at least. I was just wondering if there are any english speaking expats living in Curitiba still to get together with once in a while. Let me know if anyone is still around!


Hi Isabella & all,

I am finally back in Curitiba and would suggest we meet coming Friday  (17.03) night somewhere. With regards to location Centre or Batel would be great, but I am pretty flexible and from about 18:00 h off work.

Other suggestions welcome,


Hi Isabel,

Friday evening is good for me. Say around 19:00? Centro is better for me as well. Maybe the Brooklyn café in São Francisco?

My number is (moderated: for scam reason, please use private message system).



Hi Isabella,

I sent you an eMail, but in case it doesn't reach you: Friday 19:00 h at Brooklyn Café it is then! Shall we meet at the entrance, what do you think?

see you soon,


Are you guys having regular meetings at the Brooklyn Coffee Shop?
Kind regards


Hi Darren,

No, Isabel and I met last week. We can do another if you want.

my email: isabella.kenfield(at)


Hi all, another expat here. Fresh off the boat from London (although Im actually South African). Always keen to meet up for coffee/beers etc. Please let me know if there are any meets coming up...