Salary of food and beverage coordinator

How much is the basic salary of a food and beverage coordinator in Congo? Can it cover basic needs and survive a better life?

Hello mkhue5400,

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Are you planning on relocating to DRC?

Have you already received a job offer?


Cheryl team

Yes lam planning to relocate to DRC but l haven't received job offer

Yes lam planning to relocate to DRC but l haven't received the job offer.So l need to have an idea on salary before relocating

It depends on two things, which are missing from your post or question. First, a “better life” is relative. Some people can find a monthly salary of $5000 in DRC great and sufficient while others will see that as too small, depending on the housing cost they want and so on. Second, you don't have a job offer so it's difficult to know how that would translate into your “better life.”

In short, it's depend on your salary and lifestyle.

Good luck!
