
English speaking German to help find someone in german phonebook

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I am trying to find some old friends in Germany. I have tried using the online German phone book resource (White pages) but it does not translate into English. Is anybody interested in helping me find these people by looking for their names on the system. I can provide names, where they live and age etc. I would be happy to donate to the expat website or some worthy cause.

See also

Living in England: the expat guideMoving Back to the UK from the USWhat is it like living in NorfolkVisa rules and regulationsHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in England

Why have you posted in the Wales Forum the same question under a different name?


Why have you posted in the Wales Forum the same question under a different name?

And now the England forum...

Would have made sense to post in the Germany forum, but really, this is not an expatriation topic.  Why do people think that is the appropriate place to cyberstalk people from abroad.  If the "friends" or lost loves wanted you to be in touch with them, they would have made it known or kept in touch so far.  People go in different directions in life, get married and start families, or just move on.  Often it's best to just let it be, remember the good times and focus on the present and make new connections.  It's rare to recapture the past, as often people inevitably change.

Articles to help you in your expat project in England

All of England's guide articles