Car insurance company in Riyadh ???


Can someone help me please? I need a new car insurance contract and unfortunately, looking in the web there is hardly anything useful (actually totally useless). Can somebody advice on insurance company that can be reached by phone reliably (you may guess my frustration). Thanks a lot.


The eastiest and most poular in Saud is Tauneya

Tawaniya Insurance

You can get partial insurance or complete insurance

Complete insurance (covering both sides regardless of whose fault was) starts at SR900 per year.

Partial insurance (covering other party only if fault was yours) starts at SR350 per year.

You can get refund of your old insurance if you show registration paper of your new insurance within one week time.

MEDGULF is another option

try tawuniya its best for car and when you go there tell them u need shamil insurance the complete one . regular one is not good unless u r expert driver in riyadh.

For Car Insurance ..go with Tawuniya.

If you ever need to claim on the insurance, they cause the least problems.

[Moderated: Off topic]

Can any one tell me experience with AXA ?