Living in Lebanon guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Lebanon.

About Lebanon

Lebanon has a rich culture, which is the result of the many influences over the past thousands of years; Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, and French, all have had their impact on this land. Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, has been particularly renowned as an artistic hub, and there's always something interesting going on in terms of performances, theatre, and visual arts. A favourite pastime is strolling along the promenade and watching the fishermen. Beirut is a city very much alive.

Lebanon's population is about six million. Many of Lebanon's citizens come from different ethnic minorities ' Armenians, Kurds, Turks, Assyrians, Iranians, Greeks, Italians, and French. The major spoken language in Lebanon is Arabic, and the main religions practised are Islam and Christianity.

The service industry is currently the biggest supporter of the economy in Lebanon, with banking and tourism being the upcoming sectors. It can be difficult for expats to find employment in Lebanon, as the culture suggests that people get jobs via their immediate network rather than job search websites and applications.

Quick Information

Capital : Beirut
Official Languages : Arabic , English , Armenian
Currency : Pound
Area : 10400 Km2
Population : 4125247
Calling Code : +961
Timezone : Asia/Beirut