Alcohol and Ramadan- Exp. in Sousse

I have 2 guest arrived from Stockholm 2 days ago and I would like to invite them to dinner with red wine. I am from Sweden living her and I speak Arabic. The role in Tunisian during Ramadan is, if you speak Arabic or looks like an Arabs (I do not know how a typical Arab looks like), you are not allow to drink alcohol or buy alcohol during Ramadan.
So the rule based on how you looks like and if you speak Arabic and not if you're a Muslim or not.
Most Muslims in the world are not Arabs and do not speaks Arabic and about 15 % of the Arab population in the world are Christians. 
So if you can help me buying some wine ex. from Alkantawi I will be happy to return the favor. I have a car and can drive you if you need it.
Note I am not asking you to do something illegal

Can you not buy it while showing your (Swedish) passport? You could at least try, I hope my reply could still help you out in time!

My name in the passport indicate that I am of an Arabic origin

Hi if you live in Sousse call me *** and i willl be greatfull.

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saber atawne wrote:

My name in the passport indicate that I am of an Arabic origin

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see your reply earlier. I thought you were from Scandinavia. I don't think there's anything you can do. Do you have foreign friends (europeans for example) that could buy you some ? I am not living in tunisia yet so don't know the exact situation where you live and what's still available. I'm sorry i cannot be of more help.