Meeting new people living in Tunisia

Hi All,
I'm Frederic, a swiss citizen living and working in Tunisia since 4 years now.
I just learned about this website and I would be really happy if it helps me meeting new people from around the world living here.

See you soon.

hi I hope to be moving to Tunisia to live in the next couple of years. Am thinking of coming out for a few days this Nov to have a look around somaybe we could meet up and you could give me some advice about living full time in Tunisia. Have been many times before but any advice will be useful, Will be staying in Bizerte as that it where I feel I will settle,

welcome Tunisia, wish you all thé best. I already a Tunisian citizen. If you need help it will be with pleasure to help you.

Thank you very much DrHiba for your message. That was really nice from your side.

So, can you tell me a bit more about yourself ?


For sure i'll be really happy to meet you. Don't hesitate to keep me informed as soon as you arrive here.

I am 30 years old woman, Dr in electronic High fréquence and antenna designer. Now I am unemoloyed but I worked 4years as telecom research assistant and looking for post doc un Microwave labs or R&D engineer in industry out Of Tunisia. And you??

Hey, You are really impressive.

How that comes? all these diploma and experience and you're still unemoloyed ?? If you were in Switzerland, you'd have been some very important person. I may help you with that.

For me, i'm an expert working in the UNDP offices here in Tunisia.
Do you want us to sweetly meet ?

Yes why not i would love that dear Frédéric

Nice to hear this is m'y email Adress ***

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