Lease Termination and Deposit Refund Documents

I am preparing to end my lease on an apartment and need to prepare two documents for the Landlord.

  • minuta de devolução de caução arrendamento  (deposit return request)
  • Carta de rescisão de contrato de arrendamento  (Lease termination)

Does anyone have a copy in Portuguese that I may use? I want to ensure I cover everything. The sample I found for lease termination in English online is:

Subject: Termination of the lease agreement.

Dear Sir,

I hereby inform you, respecting the advance notice provided for by law (at least 1/3 of the initial term of the contract), that I intend to terminate the lease agreement for an indefinite period/fixed term that we entered into in ....../....../......, relating to the property located in ................................. In this regard, I will vacate the lease at the end of the month of ..................... .

I subscribe with my best regards

I did not find one for a deposit return. Do I submit a request for the deposit return at the same time as the lease termination?  I do know the timing when I can file these.

Thanks for any help on this.


Hi Steven,

Please read this: … 93#5788574

(Posts #37 & #38)
