Question about rental contracts in Belgium


We moved to Belgium last year and we are on a one year contract at our current apartment in Flanders. The contract is ending in 3 months and tomorrow is the last day that either party can give notice. Just a couple of hours ago, our landlord sent us a document to extend the contract by 1 year while we expected a 9 year contract based on the conversations we had had with him.

We are very unhappy with this, so we are wondering what would happen if we don't sign the 1-year extension. What sort of notice would the landlord have to provide us? What are the possible options for us to receive a 9-year contract instead? (We just want to be on a stable contract and not go through this again next year, so we are really unhappy with the 1-year extension that the landlord proposed at the last minute.)

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

@adityaganesh1994 you can't do much. If you don't sign then the owner can ask for visits for next tenants. You need to be careful that if the contract expires you don't a notice from either party to vacate the property.

As informed to me by my rental agency, the contract automatically gets converted to 3 years and then to 9 years (after completing 3 years) if you keep living in there. The place cant be vacated without a notice from tenant. The tenant is very much protected in rental contracts unless your contract specifically says against it and you signed.

If an owner wants you to vacate he needs commendable reasons for that or at the end of 3 years or 9 years contract. Consult with a rental agency for specific rules.
I would say dont go in "enemy mode" with the  owner, look for another place with a friendly owner :)