British moving from one EU country to another after Dec. 31 2020

Will British citizens who have lived in one EU country as a resident for decades be able to have the the rights transferred if they move to another EU country?  i.e. are they considered differently from British who move from the UK to Europe after December 31, 2020?

I am thinking of this in regard to "freedom of movement" privileges.

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Short answer, no, unless you hold a passport for another EU member country.  One option for you is if you qualify, apply for the nationality of the EU country that you are resident in, you will then hold a qualifying passport to enable your to reside and work anywhere in the EU.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thank you.  That is depressing!

I doubt it. Individual member states will have their own conditions.

It's being discussed and some positive vibes but nothing concrete yet … nt-rights/

That looks hopeful.  The Europeans have been amazingly understanding.  I hope this happens.  Thanks.

Sorry, likely not. Britain voted to leave EU and restrict the movement.