Health care system Istanbul

HEllo everyone:

can anyone explain me about the health care system in Istanbul?

im interested to know how it works.... is there any difference between the services for status social?

What is the best health service? is there any classification ?

if im a employee, i have a good health care system ??  what is the % covered by the company?

the health care system covers any kind of medicines?  what i must do when i get a urgency,,?


you have just asked 7  questions:S
fastest answer

? :/

Health care in Turkey is relatively affordable and almost free if you have insurance. The quality is comparable and even better than most European countries. Emergency situations shall be free by law.

You need to get your own insurance or most likely the company will do it for you. In case you decide to get your own it will cost about 100 to 300 USD per year. Co-payment is 20% for private insurance or $2 if you use public healthcare.

Many people around the world visit Turkey for healthcare. Even without insurance the cost of healthcare is about a fraction of what it costs in USA. To give an example, I know that a c-section birth in USA is about 10.000 USD whereas it will cost about 1000 USD in Turkey (including all visits/tests/etc.). That is if you go for private hospital. In public hospitals it will be 2 USD per visit.

Health Care system is so simple in Turkey and Its same for everyone. Your company have to supply you insurance by government laws. If you are working in a good company then they can supply extra health care system its not different then other government one its just more quality like private hospital. Health care system covers any kind of illnes(even full cancer treathment) except some private ones such as estetics or which is not accepted as illness) In emergency stituations you can go any hospital and its for free. If you have any specific question let me know