Any experience flying with a cat in cabin?

Hello Expat Community!

We are thrilled about moving back to our old country after 37 years in Los Angeles! There is one aspect of this move that makes me anxious though. How should we transport our beloved 16 pound tabby cat from Los Angeles to Budapest? In cabin or in the hold? In hold he would have more space but he would be on his own for so many hours. Delta airlines would take him, but he is almost at the weight and size limit, he is big, what can I do? If you have any experience, please share it with me. This is a permanent move and of course i do not want to leave him behind. Nobody would want a 10 year old cat! He is only valuable for us! Thanks Expats!!!

I say to put him in the hold where he is less likely to disturb anyone, or anyone him.  It's a couple of long flights and the commotion of everyone on board and being confined to the carrier can be stressing to the cat.  Also someone on board could be allergic.

That is a very good point, maybe people are very allergic to cats.

I once tried to bring a pet bird from Las Vegas to Budapest, don't want to relive the horror but the clerk at the desk made a few mistakes which his supervisor covered for him and long story shot=rt, we had to call someone at the airport to come collect and adopt our bird.
I cried all the way to Germany until I was able to make sure they had picked the bird up at the airport and everything was good.

Another thing though to consider is the health of the cat. 10 years is about middle aged for a cat isn't it. Sould be alright in the cargo hold.
You should make sure you are traveling at the right time of year, if it's too hot or too cold that is not very comfortable for a pet in the hold.

My former DIL brought her 2 small dogs from Budapest to Las Vegas 15 years ago, I picked everyone up at the airport. The dogs were fine, thirsty and hungry but fine.

I flew my doberman from LA,Ca to Hawaii and back again, he wasn't too happy either way.
All airlines must approve any pets taken on board on put in the hole.
They only allow so many per flight.

My brother is a airline mechanic and although I do not wish to frighten you, he said some of his fellow employees are idiots. Some tease pets and some do not think to give them water at stops.
He also told me before I flew my dog that they put them in cargo hold near the luggage with straps hanging and sometimes the travel cages slide all over the place. Either way it's going to be  a worry.
I know I am allergic to cats and wouldn't be too happy sneezing all the way through a flight.
Really no easy answer , the vet can give your pet something to be taken to help it relax during the flight.
Don't forget if a pet flies in the cabin with you, you are not allowed to take it out and comfort it.
I must stay in it's carrier through the entire flight.
Only way to let it out is if it is a service pet.
My German/American friend runs a animal rescue service and has all of her dogs certified.
She has a home in Hawaii and one in Vegas, she brings one of her dogs with her just about every flight, every couple of months or so. They are allowed to sit on the floor in the cabin and not be in a carrier. They are huge dogs, masstific's, I wouldn't really want a sit next to her.
Good luck, the cargo hold should be alright if the weather is good. They do not really heat or cool that part of the plane much if at all.

Dear Members,

Thank you for your replies. So here is an update about my traveling options with Mr. Simba, our cat from  Los Angeles to Budapest. I have searched for the right answers for a very long time and I would like to share my findings with anyone interested in this topic.

Mr. Simba, being a 10 year old spoiled, adorable, slightly overweight bad traveler and due to consideration for other fellow passenger I think the cargo hold is the best place for him. Here are the reasons: Simba is almost as big as maine coon cat, 8 kg, and big boned. He can be very VERY loud; I have had the pleasure experience his crying each time when we visit the vet. He always wants to got out of the kennel and there is a strong chance he would destroy the mesh material of any carrier. So, my fear would be for him getting out of the kennel, being too loud, being EXTREMELY uncomfortable under the seat, if I could even cramp him in there, the fellow passengers would have a very negative reaction to him. I could continue this list, but I think you get the picture.

Considering all these factors I think I have found the best solution. After doing my research, I realize Lufthansa has one of the strongest reputation when it comes to pet transportation. My cat will travel in the EXTRA BAGGAGE hold, this means, they will not consider him as cargo and I will not have to use a shipping company and the nonsense of import and export documentation. There is no weather restriction, because this area (where no more than 4 animals all together can travel), will be temperature controlled all the way though, from loading to unloading, and of course through travel. Lufthansa built a fantastic animal center in Frankfurt, so when we arrive in Frankfurt Simba will be there until its time to load him into the next short flight to Budapest.
I will have at least 3 hours in between flights to be sure we catch the next one. The Lufthansa service people at the animal center is working to check on the animal, clean the kennel if needed. I do trust Lufthansa, because they would not have built this huge animal transport center, if they would not care about the welfare of animals.

Let me know if you have thoughts!


Sounds like you've done your research and it sounds like a solid plan to me.
Good luck and safe travels for the both of you and Mr. simba.