In progress in dataflow status

Hi there! i have a problem concerning my dataflow,which is approximately more than 30days but still in progress.. I do have problem with my last employer and i only find out last month and find out that the title in that employer that listed in my data flow status is that it has insufficient data after the dataflow confront me to talk to the HRD of my company few days later it changes to in progress status. Is it possible that the main reason of the long time of waiting is because of what happen in my employer? Do i need to cancel the dataflow or should i wait much longer?? I really need some answers because my brain gonna blow waiting my employer in muscat was so piss waiting. Thanks for the time hope one of you answers my question.

Hello , I have the same problem the employeer part till now in progress since 3 month , how should I wait more , plz answer me if your problem solved