Massage therapy in PR

DH will soon begin taking a course in massage therapy.  He is wondering if he could use this, once certified, in Puerto Rico.  His Spanish is limited but he says that he probably could go to resorts and etc. that specialize in Gringo as clientel (sp?) - would he be able to get a job doing this as the posh resorts where most of the visitors are American or English and don't speak spanish.  Just wondering.  I told him I doubt if he could get a job .... what do you think?????

I agree with you, getting a job will be difficult. He might try to do this self employed though. Of course he will have to get the necessary equipment and try to get a room where he can offer his service or even visit clients in their rooms.

An old friend of mine in Germany does something similar for a living. He is a certified physical therapist and visits and treats clients in a couple resorts close to where he lives. He works only during the  (summer) season (around 5 months in that area) and around holidays like Christmas. He makes enough to live comfortably all year 'round. But.. that's in Germany. :)