Directions to walking/running trail in DQ? Gotten lost twice already!

Hey all, I've been to visit the DQ with friends twice since arriving, and both times have looked for the hiking/walking trail that I'm told runs around it.  Both times I've gotten lost, and once was asked to go back toward the main roads by the security officers. 

Does anyone have some more specific directions for how to get onto the trail, or where the best entrance to it is?  Many thanks!

You may use the GPS app on your handset.

Anooos wrote:

You may use the GPS app on your handset.

Tried that, doesn't work.  It keeps giving me coordinates for the sports center, which isn't where I want to go.

If I were you, I would take a screenshot of the whole area google map and use it manually to locate locations

try reading the blue abaya blog regarding the things to do in DQ

update us if you find it.. Id like to go there too..