Money conversion

Hello.I am from India looking to study in mauritius. I  would like to know how much cash can I  carry in hand from India to Mauritius and where I can  exchange it.Also I  would  like to know about the sbi bank in mauritius. Do they offer any good atm charges for Indian account.?

It is illegal to carry Indian currency outside India and all the top banks in India namely ICICI, Axis, SBI do not deal in Mauritian Rupee. However you can bring a travel currency card or your international debit/credit card to Mauritius. Atm charges are set by the type of card you have and from which bank you got it, Currency conversion rate  is usually 3.99 % of the amount transacted. So be advised that this procedure is very expensive.

For eg. if you withdraw 21000 MUR with a card you got from a bank in India your will be charged around 895 MUR for the transaction

VISA and MASTERCARD sets the daily exchange rates on their respective atms. You can find the daily rates here for Visa: -
and here for mastercard: -