Looking for IT work in GIB/ south Spain

Hi all,

I currently live in England although I have setup a new home in Spain (Du'quesa Village) where I own a mortgage free property.

We set this up as a home away from home to move out as soon as possible but I am struggling to find any IT roles.

I am a qualified IT professional aswell as Business Analyst.
Any suggestions? I have trailed through Facebook and in contact with a couple recruiters but the search is proving harder than expected.

Kind regards

My advice is to visit Gibraltar and knock on doors for face to face meetings



Hi Luke,

IT professional has many different meanings, perhaps you could give me details of your experience and what you are looking for, copy and paste your CV even, I may be able to point some people your way.   No promises but if not me someone else may help :)

That would be great any chance I can send you it by email? Luketdavis@outlook.com if you send me one ill get something back to you asap.  :)

Duquesa is gorgeous! Did you found anything yet? If not you can send me your CV to tomitree[at]gmail.com