Doing business in Gibraltar


are foreign investors welcome in Gibraltar?

Is it complicated to register a company in Gibraltar? What is the procedure?

What is the corporate tax rate in Gibraltar?

Is it easy to recruit?

Any advice you would share with us?

Thank you very much for your participation,


hello, been here for less than a year, but as far as the little knowledge I have goes, gibraltar's business and tax laws are structured to facilitate foreign investment into the territory

business tax is only at 10% and there are no capital gains taxes or VAT which makes gibraltar a haven for business

Thanks for your post michalis!


no problem

Registering a company in Gibraltar is straightforward and needs to be done at Companies House in The Arcade. 

Some businesses also need to get a business licence from the Dept of Trade (renewable annually) and register with the Employment Service (also renewable annually).  All jobs should be advertised through the job centre, and contracts returned to the employment service.

Whether or not it is easy to recruit depends on the business concerned.