The other side of the Australian postcard


As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover.

Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face.

When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I then tend to say that one should also look at both sides of the postcard.

As an expat in Australia, how would you describe the two sides of your Australian postcard?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


I came to Perth Western Australia in 1976 just before my 21st birthday which I celebrated 5 weeks after arriving. I came by ship. My profession was in great demand at top of the list. I was employed within 24 hours of arriving - despite me wanting to trial being a beach bum! I have been here and seen many changes in Australia over time. I am in a place in my life now where Australia can no longer give me my desires in life and am in the process of moving on to a lesser developed continent. For me - approaching my sixties, Australia has done me proud, done me very well, given me a successful career. but now I need more, I need to give back and I cant do that here. I am going to share my knowledge to advancing and growing countries who may benefit from my privileged life. Perth used to be a hard place to break into because it was a transient place for people. Still is really with the mining boom. Quite parochial. It used to be  the quiet city as compared to Melbourne and Sydney. Not so now. I don't actually like what society has allowed Perth to become. Sad really. Australia is beautiful in its natural beauty and wonders. Its people that make a place and society these days is ruining a lot of daily living. This is the same in all affluent countries. Too many do-gooders trying to dictate when they have no life experiences. It is affluence and a non desire to get a proper job.

I've been in Perth for just under a year. I find people to be friendly and helpful but then it stops. There seems to be no follow up, no invites for coffee or dinner like in NZ. It's very hard to make friends.We went to UK for 2 years and stayed for 10, the life and people were lovely. Australia is different, knowing what I know now I'm not sure I would have come.

Hi Xangus. It seems that Perth hasn't matured with age as you are now in 2013 /14 having difficulty making friends. Its true - it was like that when I came in 1976. At that time I believed it was because people were only in Perth for work - maybe 1 or 2 year contracts etc... etc so kept themselves to themselves and did their own exploring. Friends were made through work. Definitely not social like in UK or Africa - which is where I am heading. people here are so serious and wrapped up in getting personal possessions and ownership. Like I said - sad. Obviously I have some very close friends and they too agree with me to a degree. my good friends are my friends who adore travel and so we share the same values. I think its why a lot of migrants from the UK actually return back to UK because the social aspect lacks in Perth. I think Sydney is different and Melbourne - I went to Melbourne for 12 months but hated the weather. if the weather in UK was better I would return there.