Stay in Brazil with my proper job

Hello, iŽm Amy from malaysia. im ex prisioner and stay here in brazil almost 4 years an enquiry that is there any way can make me stay in brazil whith my proper job? I need your advise for me to find the way for stay in brazil and have my normal life. i know is difficult for me that have a justice problem but the thing is i about to finish and clear my name from the justice and i have make up my mind to stay and have a normal life. I have lost everything once but not the second time i have to grap my opputunity for this moment to feel the realy freedom. the freedom that i have lost for long time. please help me and advice me for the right for me to stay in Brazil ...

Thank you


Hello Amy,

Sorry, with a criminal record there is almost no hope that you will ever be able to obtain a Permanent Visa. Why didn't you apply under the Amnesty Program in 2009? You might have gotten lucky there. If you are caught now, you will surely get expelled from the country so you're really going to have to "fly under the radar" and keep a very low profile. If you are still here in 2019 there will likely be another Amnesty Program, they usually have them every ten years here.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

How do i apply the Amnesty Program and where? and by the way is there any counsol in Recife or will Malaysia Embassy help me or get any solution for my case? Is there any other way ? Please guide me i really need you to guide me for that . Coz for me i really want to be here and built my new life here as i told you that i have lost once but nopt second time ...

Thank you

Lee Shin Yunn

The Amnesty for Foreigners of 2009 is over now and it's not certain if there will be another one announced in 2019, but Brazil has had one about every ten years. So, there's a good chance it will be repeated then.

Other than through the Amnesty Program there isn't much hope for you to resolve your situation, especially if you have a criminal record in your past.

Malaysia Embassy , Brazil

Chacara 62, Lago Sul,

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Hello, how are you there? thank you for the advice that you have give me.I did went to talk with the federal Jugde, And he told me the only two way that can able make me stay in brazil legaly that is by pragnancy or get married. To be comform with you sir is it true if i get married and get pragnant i can able to stay in brazil legaly? coz i do have brasilian boyfriend, is there any possibility by that two suggestion from the federal jugde? please guide me for that .....

Thank you


Hello Amy,

Since your visa is no longer valid and you are not "legal" in the country you cannot get married. That leaves the only alternative of becoming pregnant and hoping that you can stay in Brazil long enough to have your baby here. If you manage that without first being deported then because of the baby you can apply for permanency based on a Brazilian child.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Hello, Sir very good morning to you.There is some question and need you to guide me for get the correct information.If you dont mind can you get for me the information about the law of Malaysia that can prove that the malaysia Goverment dont accept back ex-prisioner for act 33( Traffic international Drug act ). Can you get for me the law of act that i can able to bring up my case to the Juctice of Brazil. And by the way if i can able to make a prove about this law of Malaysia, it`s can able help me to stay in Brazil permanantly.And bye the can you give me the number of codige of the law about the pragnacy can you give me the code of the law so that i can show to the person that taking of me while i still respone my penal .....

Thank you



I think it's best if you don't even mention anything about your conviction in Malaysia. it could really hurt your chances of staying in Brazil. You are just better of to apply for a Permanent Visa based on a Brazilian child. The law which applies in your case is below:


Decreto/Lei 6815

Art. 75. Não se procederá à expulsão:

I - se implicar extradição inadmitida pela lei brasileira; ou

Il - quando o estrangeiro tiver:

a) cônjuge brasileiro do qual não esteja divorciado ou separado, de fato ou de direito, e desde que o casamento tenha sido celebrado há mais de 5 (cinco) anos; ou

b) filho brasileiro que, comprovadamente, esteja sob sua guarda e dele dependa economicamente.

§ 1º Não constituem impedimento à expulsão a adoção ou reconhecimento de filho brasileiro supervenientes ao fato que motivar.

§ 2º Verificados o abandono do filho, o divórcio ou a separação, de fato ou de direito, a expulsão poderá efetivar-se a qualquer tempo.


Article 75. There shall be no expulsion:

I - if it involves extradition not permitted by Brazilian law, or

Il - when the alien has:

a) Brazilian spouse from which he is not divorced or separated, in fact or in law, provided that the marriage has been celebrated for more than five (5) years, or

b) Brazilian child that is proven to be under his care and is economically dependent.

§ 1 shall not constitute an impediment to expulsion if the adoption or recognition of the Brazilian child if expulsion was the supervening and motivating fact.

§ 2 Once verified the abandonment of a child, divorce or separation, in fact or in law, expulsion may be effected at any time.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Dear sir, thank you again for you respone. Thats mean if i get pregnant its will help me to stay in Brazil permanantly.
And about the law of Malaysia is that true the malaysia goverment wont accept me back as ex-prisoner back to Malaysia ? how to get the information about that law ? which law and which art ?

Thank you


Sorry, I don't know anything about Malaysian law I can't answer your question.

Would it be possible to go to another country, marry there, and return to Brazil?  I am a foreigner married to a Brazilian, and the requirement to submit my criminal record was unnecessary for me.  I actually had fingerprints made and my Federal police record sent to me, but the Brazilian consulate didn't even want to look at it.  Being married to a Brazilian and submitting all necessary paperwork has allowed me to get a permanent visa in Brazil and to work legally.  good luck. -Erik