Urgent one bedroom apart or studio needed in Riyadh starting May 2012

Hello, I am arriving in Riyadh on April 16, 2012 and will be staying at a hotel for two weeks.

Afterwards, on May 1, 2012 I will need to move to a one bedroom apartment or studio, preferably in Olaya or any compound close to that area.

Please provide me with guidelines as to how to search for those. My budget is 50000 SAR annually, not sure if that is enough. I just want something neat, clean and furnished.

Thank you.

More details please in order to guide you better:

- What will be your visa type [business visit or resident]?
- Alone or family?
- Office Location?
- Duration of Stay?

Hello, and thanks for your reply. Following are more details:

- Business visa to be turned to iqama upon arrival
- single western male
- Office location in Olaya but travel throughout the kingdom
- Duration of stay is at least 1 year


The iqama issuing takes roughly 15 days. And it IS required to sign contract with any real-estate office (that's why I asked).

Americans usually live in compounds because of safety and social life options. But first thing, compounds are expensive (>100K annually) and secondly, because of the demand, you have to wait long in queue.

Cutting the compound down from options, here are 2 more:

- Staying in a furnished apartment: They offer almost all amenities in the budget of 5K/month & there are many decent furnished apartments in Olaya.
- Take an apartment: 50K is a very good budget for a nice apartment in Olaya. The difficulty I can foresee is that sometimes the owners offer their apartment to family only. Anyways this is trivial and can be resolved easily with the help of your company.

Has your company offered anything for accomo?

Thank you for your reply TheLegendLeads.

Unfortunately, since my company has been established recently in KSA, they do not help out in finding apartments / compounds.

I guess my best option would be the furnished apartments in Olaya. But how do I go about getting a good deal? Shall I just drive around with a friend and see the posts on the buildings?

Is there any listing of those furnished apartments?


It's much easier than that @jeanae82.
I knew about at least 3 furnished apartments in Olaya who offered very good monthly packages but unluckily I'm bad at remembering names.
One of them is 'Executive Hotel' http://www.executives-hotel.com/
But there are better options as well.