I am looking for a hutch

4-5"feet in length

Hi what is a Hutch, please advise.

For rabbits?

I believe it is a piece of furniture where one stores dishes and such. We called that a hutch when I was growing up. Usually found in ye olde dining room.

But I may be off base here. Poster may be looking to store rabbits  1f3a9.svg

What part of the country? New or used?

Illumel has them in SD

Had a similar need....took a picture of what I liked at Ikea and someone local (Sosua) built it for me. Depending on how intricate your needs are in a hutch, that might be a cheaper way to go


        find a wood / cabinet worker some of these guys are very talented and they can make anything ….,  just be-careful  of the guys that own a hammer and a bag of nails , I'm sure he's good at something but not cabinet making,,,good luck 👍