What i do to bring girlfriend from Colombia to Holland for holiday?

My girlfriend wants to come for holiday to Holland. What i must do to bring her here and what is the best period for the ticketprice?

She needs a Schengen visa, if She holds a passport she can apply for the visa at the Netherlands embassy in Bogotá, Colombia. Travel is normally more expensive the closer it's to Christmas, usually cheaper if she travels before December 15 and returns after January 16

Hello Xavier, but in the website of Foreign Affairs , the Dutch write that people from Colombia can travel without visa?

@bk1964kb come in through Spain.

They let anyone in with a return ticket

I assume she has a passport

Not sure if Shiphol is as accomodating as Madrid.

No Visa required for Colombians or even Venezuelans for any tourists in EU

As far as tickets, use expedia and search airlines

It wont be cheap..

No Visa required

So much false information on this site

If people dont know, they shouldnt post false information.

I just.travelled with my partner a Venezuelan to Italy through Spain.

Colombians dont require Visa for,EU

Next year everyone will require an ETIAS "Visa", but its only a small formalista and can be processed 10 minutes online.

@nico peligro, you think she not needs a referent and garantee? with all the papers that they need to have around this?

@bk1964kbDont know whatyou are talking about.

I stated a fact, if you have something in writing from the Dutch or European Union Website, please post it but I guarantee you wont

Return ticket, and your address where she is staying with you and if you are in  a hotel, hotel accomodations, but I dont think they will ask for anything more than a return ticket.

Tht is what the rules say, but of course, any immigration officer can refuse ANY foreigner  to enter their country for ANYreason.

I once had a Colombian  GF initially refused entry into Cancun Mexico , because of her age, and ourage difference. Took 4 hours of begging, but they finally let her in.

It shouldnt be that bad in Holland , if your age difference isnt dramatic, she isnt too young and pretty (they may think you are pimp  ing her) you can convince them you ara a couple and she is just there for a visit.

But no letetters, visas, papers required. Just have fotos of you two together, and a good story, and make sure she knows everything about you and vice versa.

But that is the absolute worst case scenario, and extremely unlikely, only  if there are not big line ups at immigration at Schiphol and they have time to waste (very rare situation) and the immigration is in a bad mood (always be friendly and respectful).

I dont know why people dont read the Dutch and EU immigration and travel websites for themselves, rather than coming onto a chat site and be bombarded with misinformation,